02 August 2010

Island Park

We enjoyed several days in Island Park last month with the Hillman crew. It was fun to catch up with Jason and Heidi who spent the previous 2 months in Canada, let the cousins play 'till they dropped, see beautiful Yellowstone, and enjoy uninterrupted time with the adults after bedtime. Sam was the MC for our "not-so-newlywed" game, and I think he really could be a game show host. Who knew?

Darcy and Alice are five months apart, and I fully plan on them becoming great friends as they grow up. Do they not both have the cutest grins? Toothless and toothy.

Jane doing her best Bison impersonation. Notice Mr. Bison in the background.

Two months apart, but they picked up right where they left off. Hot and cold, these two. But, we're learning to dwell on the tender moments more, because they really are sweet together.

Enjoying the picnic.

Yellowstone's Grand Canyon.

The whole gang eating our picnic at Old Faithful. Can't believe this was the only one I got of all of us!

Just as we were starting our campfire, the rain started, and these two made the best of it. I love little girls.

Alice just had to have a bite.

Silly cousins.

Can't remember who's night it was for story time, but they were INTO it.

I loved this view. And this boy.

We really didn't take too many photos. It was such a relaxing vacation I almost hated to ruin it by pulling out the camera. Lots of memories can be made in just four days. Thanks, Hillmans!


Heidi Hillman said...

Ellie and Jane look SO alike in the funny face picture. Same face, just opposite. That was a wonderful weekend!

mysomedaylist said...

That looks like such a fun trip! We've thought about going to Yellowstone a few times, but haven't made it there yet. I love all of the pictures of your kids all playing together. It looks like they get along so well.

Also, i'm so jealous that you got to see Peter Cetera. It made me want to get my CDs out and listen to them.

Jeff and Janell

Kami said...

Looks fun, Min! We're headed up to the same area this weekend with Shawn's family. What were your favorite things at Yellowstone? (We saw Old Faithful last year--good idea to bring lunch--it can be a long wait when you arrive just as it's ending!)
I'm curious about your "not so Newlywed" game--how did that work? We've played that a few hilarious times...but could use some new ideas. Thanks.